Name: Nakasone, Eric M
Rank: SP4
Position: Maintenance
Service number: RA10119632
Second tour:
Biography: Birthdate: 5/28 Wife: Rosemary Wifes Birthdate: 2/7
Remarks: Morning Report Entries 25 April 1965 ASG 4 May 1965 CHG 14 May 1965 CHG 17 May 1965 CHG 11 June 1965 DLV 21 DYS 2 July 1965 RLV 21 DYS 9 October 1965 RFA ASG to 219th AVN CO EFF 15 August 1965
Phone: 808-487-9118
Street address:
City: Alea
State: HI
Zip code: 96.701
Morning Report Entries 25 April 1965 ASG 4 May 1965 CHG 14 May 1965 CHG 17 May 1965 CHG 11 June 1965 DLV 21 DYS 2 July 1965 RLV 21 DYS 9 October 1965 RFA ASG to 219th AVN CO EFF 15 August 1965
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