Ogden, Leigh M

Name: Ogden, Leigh M

Rank: CPT
Position: Shotgun 5
Service number: 75737
Second tour:
Biography: Birthdate: 5/15 Wife: Marsha Wifes Birthdate: 10/30
Remarks: Morning Report Entries 15 April 1965 ASG 29 April 1965 COR USAR to RA 14 May 1965 JD 15 June 1965 DLV 5 DYS 18 June 1965 CHG 19 June 1965 RLV 5 DYS 23 June 1965 ADY CDR 27 June 1965 RFA ADT CDR 20 September 1965 CHG

Phone: 301-622-4074
Email: lmogden@verizon.net
Street address:
City: Silver Spring
State: MD
Zip code: 20.904

Morning Report Entries 15 April 1965 ASG 29 April 1965 COR USAR to RA 14 May 1965 JD 15 June 1965 DLV 5 DYS 18 June 1965 CHG 19 June 1965 RLV 5 DYS 23 June 1965 ADY CDR 27 June 1965 RFA ADT CDR 20 September 1965 CHG

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