Captain Boyce A. Cates – (AM)

The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting the Air Medal for Heroism to Captain Boyce A. Cates for heroism while engaged in aerial flight in connection with military operations against a hostile force: Captain Cates distinguished himself on 14 February 1967, while serving as a fixed wing aviator in an O-1 “Bird Dog” in support of a search and destroy operation in Kein Tuong Province. He was providing observation of the operational area when the friendly forces came under heavy small arms fire from camouflaged, dug-in enemy position. He began a rocket run on the enemy troops and at the last possible moment fired his rockets. Scoring a direct hit, he suppressed the enemy fire and drew the attention of the Viet Cong. Upon reaching the enemy position, the CIDG company found one Viet Cong Dead and one wounded from the rocket fire. His action were in keeping were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.

Medal Awarded: Air Medal (Thirteenth Oak Leaf Cluster) with “V” Device

General Orders: : Headquarters, 1st Aviation Brigade, General Orders No. 2944 (June 27, 1967)

Action Date: 14 February 1967

Service: Army

Rank: Captain

Posted in

Monte Caylor